What is the Best Diet for YOU?
I literally cannot remember the last time I had a new client start working with me that hadn’t tried at least one of the many thousands of crazy fad diets out there.
I’ve even had female clients that have been on diets for the last 26 years. Not the same one of course, many different ones.
Of course, some of them produced results of some sort but none of them ever managed to build the healthy body she was looking for or keep the weight off permanently!
In my opinion, there shouldn’t even be enough diets out there to keep you going for 26 years but all you have to do is run a simple search on Amazon.com and you’ll get thousands of results… In fact, I ran a search for ‘diet books’ only 5 minutes ago and Amazon returned 210,984!!
That’s absolutely insane!
It really is no wonder that most people are confused. With that many options where would you start? I do this stuff for a living and even I wouldn’t have a clue where to begin had I not been studying, researching and testing this stuff with myself and my clients for years.
But before we get to that, let me ask you this:
Have you ever wondered why two people can be on the same diet and yet they somehow get completely different results?
You know what I’m talking about. One of them has full energy all day, they lose (or gain) the weight that’s been torturing them for years, their skin clears up and they become a much healthier and happier version of themselves.
Their friend on the other hand, feels absolutely terrible. Their energy levels are at an all time low, they feel slow and lethargic. Their weight problem continues to get worse and they continually feel down and unhappy whenever they see the state they’ve gotten themselves into.
And then to make things worse, they’re envious of their friend because they’re getting the results that they aren’t even though they’re doing the same things.
So why is it that two individuals, doing the exact same things can be experiencing complete opposite results? They’re both human, right!?
Well, like I just said. They’re individuals!
No two people have the exact same Biochemical Functioning. In other words, we are all Biochemically Individual.
Therefore what works for one person may not work as well, or at all for another person.
In all honesty, the only person that can tell you what the ‘best diet’ is, is you.
It’s all about how eating a particular way makes you feel and what results it produces for you.
There is no ‘one size fits all’ diet that will work for everybody. Some need more protein and less carbs, others need more carbs and less protein, there are even those that need high amounts of SATURATED fats in order to function at their best.
If you look at the native diets of the many cultures around the world, you’ll clearly see that there is no universal diet.
Inuit cultures ate anywhere up to 90% Fats and Protein and only around 10% Carbohydrates.
Traditional Massai people lived on a diet of predominantly raw meat, raw milk and blood.
Some Native American and Asian cultures lived on diets that were 100% vegetarian.
Countries with definite winters such as England would have been unable to grow vegetables and fruits during these times so they would have had to live on predominantly meats and/or cold water fish in order to survive.
Now when you look at these diets some of them are at completely opposite ends of the scale but what each of these societies had in common was robust health and vitality.
There are many other examples of course but my point is we’re not necessarily meant to eat the same as the people around you.
Neither one of the above is better than the other, it’s simply a case of what works for you and there are three main factors which will affect this.
Firstly, you have your genetic and ethnic background. Then you have the environment you live in today. Finally, you have your daily activity level and intensity.
Now since the body is regarded as a “master adapter” it tends to be your environment and activity levels that will influence your needs the most.
You see if you look at any of the native diets above the major commonality between them is the fact that those were the foods that their environments provided so therefore those individuals genetics adapted to those foods over many hundreds if not thousands of years.
That’s why those foods were perfect for them.
Things can get a little complicated for many when trying to pinpoint their genetics needs these days. Because the world has become a genetic melting pot of multiple mixed races, identifying specific racial and ethnic backgrounds can be very difficult for many.
The good news though is that research by people such as Dr Bruce Lipton shows us that it’s our environment and the stressors we’re exposed to on a daily basis that determines our genetic expression.
Examples of how our environment affects our nutritional needs include simple things like the increased need for quality proteins in colder environment and a decreased need in hotter climates. For women there is even an increased need for protein in the diet during menstruation.
So, what is the best diet for YOU?
Well first off, everybody will benefit from a diet rich in whole foods that are unprocessed. The best whole foods include the likes of meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits. There are also things such as raw dairy, nuts, seeds, legumes and grains if you can tolerate them.
As you’re likely aware, there are hundreds of each so even with only a few categories you have practically unlimited meal choices.
But, if you want to identify exactly what your body needs, and enjoys in the long run you should download and use our Meal Reaction Diary (MRD).
By completing this form 1-2 hours after each meal or snack you’ll quickly identify exactly what types of foods your body needs and in what ratios it likes to get them in order for you to feel and perform your best at all times.
When filling out your MRD you’ll notice that it asks for the approximate ratio of Proteins and Fats:Carbohydrates. If you’re unsure what foods fall into these categories, some good options are:
Proteins: Meat, Fish, dairy, eggs, nuts, seeds and legumes
Healthy Fats: Unprocessed organic free range meats, wild oily fish, extra virgin olive oil, extra virgin coconut oil, organic butter, ghee (clarified butter), organic dripping and lard, organic nuts and seeds. I recommend you eliminate or avoid using Vegetable Oils!
Carbohydrates: Vegetables, fruits, sea vegetables, whole-grains (if you can tolerate them).
Don’t worry about being exact, just look at roughly what percentage of your plate is covered with each one of the above. Remember that most meats include a small to moderate amount of fats depending on the cut of meat and the animal it came from.
A leg of lamb for instance is higher in fat than a chicken breast, that doesn’t make it unhealthier, you may just find that you feel better after the lamb if your body requires more fats or better after the chicken breast if it requires less… the MRD will identify this for you.
Another thing you may find once you start using the MRD is that your optimal ratio may vary throughout the day or even at certain times of the month.
For instance, you may find that for breakfast you need high protein and by the time dinner comes you feel at your best with a meal slightly higher in carbs.
Or, many of you ladies out there may find that protein intake needs to be significantly increased when ‘time of the month arrives’ in order to keep your sugar cravings under control and your mood swings to a minimum. This will of course vary from person to person but you get my point.
So if you haven’t yet downloaded our Meal Reaction Diary, you can do so by clicking the button below.
Download Your Meal Reaction Diary Here!
Remember, this is a process that may take days, weeks, months or even years depending how far away from your health goals you really are but this is the case with any change in dietary habits.
The key is to remain committed and consistent with your efforts. These 2 components alone will reap more benefit than almost any fancy diet!
If you have any questions or concerns about your MRD and how to use it, comment below and I’ll reply as soon as I can.