Tracking your Eating Habits
Are your dietary habits really as healthy as you think they are?
Most of my clients come to me feeling as though they’re eating pretty well and they almost always underestimate the amount of poor quality crap they’re eating!
This isn’t necessarily because they’re lying to me, many just don’t realise or forget how bad some foods are.
Today’s video discusses one of the main tools we use here at Tyton Health & Performance to establish just how bad things have gotten for some people and them we give you the necessary tools to help solve the problem.
Don’t forget to download your free Food & Mood Diary here.
Print a few off and fill it out over the next 7 days then come back and let me know how good or bad you feel you’ve been doing.
The key to making the most out of you food diary comes from being honest.
In the first 7 days make no changes at all to your dietary habits. That way you’ll see exactly where things are and you’ll then have the best chance of making the necessary changes because you’ll clearly see your start point.
Any questions or concerns, let me know and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can,