Protein – Why You Need More
Hope you are well. This week we’re talking Protein intake.
Protein – What makes it so important?
Now I’m sure somewhere along this journey called life you’ve all heard that Protein is important.
The trouble is, although many of us have heard that that Protein is important most people don’t actually know why…
…And some aren’t even sure what Proteins are.
Now this isn’t necessarily a bad thing or your fault. I mean let’s face it, foods in the supermarket or local farm store aren’t labeled as Protein… or even as Carbohydrates or Fat.
Instead they’re named after the actual food; beef joint, bread, butter, etc…
If you’re unsure which foods are classified as Proteins, in around 2 minutes or so you’ll know exactly which ones they are and you’ll also know why they play such an important role in optimal health, fat loss and even gaining muscle mass.
Next time we’ll be showing you just how much Protein you should be eating at each meal and also provide you with a simple system you can use to easily increase your protein intake.
As you know, we love to hear from you guys with your own experiences and recommendations so make sure you post your comments below.
“See you” next week peeps,