Fat Loss Coaching
- Struggling to Maintain Results?
- Are you a Veteran ‘YoYo’ Dieter?
- Want to Avoid Obesity Related Disease and Illness?
- Find Yourself Constantly Tired?
- Feel like you’ve tried everything and you’re running out of time?
If you’re experiencing any of the above you’ll know just how frustrating the challenge of fat loss in today’s busy world can be.
Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way. We at Tyton Health & Performance have developed a proven 5-Step Coaching System that GUARANTEES your results.
Rather than following the latest trend or fad that sweeps across the Globe we actively coach our clients to change their daily lifestyle habits alongside expert designed exercise programmes and nutrition coaching.
This not only ensures results in the short-term but also equips you with a skillset that will keep you Lean, Strong and Healthy for the rest of your life!
Whether you’re a complete newbie or a seasoned gym goer, our team of coaches will be able to help your start looking and feeling great without exercise and dieting having to take over your life.
Using our ‘Get Strong, Health and Lean Again’ Body Transformation Programme we GUARANTEE you’ll be able to:
- Discover simple ways to make the right eating choices at home and when eating out (without dieting).
- Feel stronger than you have in years.
- Get to and keep your ideal weight…FOR LIFE.
- Have 3–4 times more energy (literally 300% to 400% increase in energy).
- Fire up your metabolism and burn fat 24 hours a day.
- More confidence – nothing makes you feel better about YOU than being fit, toned and looking amazing!
Sign-up now for your complimentary, no-obligation fitness and nutrition diagnostic consultation below. During this consult, you’ll receive detailed information on how to get Lean, Toned and Healthy that’s tailored to YOUR needs and body.
Believe it or not, we’re not supposed to be Overweight, Tired and Ill. Your body is a very intelligent system of systems which is designed to adapt to all manner of stressors in order to keep you performing, feeling and looking your best. We’ve striped away all the myths and illusions surrounding fat loss and created a system, that when followed correctly, produces amazing results for people just like you on a daily basis. You see, when we first started out in the industry we struggled with the information overload just as much as you guys! You’ve got one world renowned professional claiming that A, B and C is the ultimate way to get fat loss results and then another world renowned professional claiming that it’s X, Y and Z. This is of no use when all you want is a few answers on how to lose some body fat and get in shape. That’s why we’ve created a step by step process that works regardless of your knowledge or skill level because we tailor it specifically to you… And that’s why we guarantee your results and even provide you with a 60 day money back guarantee also. You don’t need to spend thousands and thousands learning from the worlds best because we’ve already done it. We’ve then taken the best aspects from each and simplified them to the point where many of the changes can be implemented straight in to your daily schedule so that you see results almost instantly. We work with you multiple times each week (between 2 & 4 sessions) plus provide you with home training programme as well as provide you with individualised Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching in order to ensure a positive outcome in the shortest time possible. Where necessary, an additional key component of what we do is the integration of mind-body fitness along-side traditional exercise recommendations. We understand how ‘Working In’, using energy-balancing exercises reduces total body stress and we know when to use these types of exercises with different clients to help enhance their improvements. We leave no stone unturned in our assessment process to ensure we have the best possible chance of finding the limiting factors which are holding you back from acheiving lasting fat loss. Using this approach, we are able to implement results-producing programmes that enhance your function and overall well-being as well as help you burn fat – Guaranteed! When it comes to fat loss coaching we offer 2 options – One-to-One or Semi Private Coaching. Both options offer similar features and benefits but it will be your exact goals, personality and budget that determine which option is best for you. Our most Exclusive Coaching Package – Perfect for those who dislike group training environments. 100% Individualised Exercise and Nutrition Coaching specific to your health and training requirements. Undivided attention from your Coach to ensure every minute of your session is aimed at getting you results. Train alongside 2-4 like minded individuals striving for greatness just like YOU! Moral Support and Motivation from your training partners and your coach. Only a fraction of the monthly investment of normal Personal Training. One-to-One Fat Loss Coaching Includes: Semi-Private Fat Loss Coaching Includes: As with any health, fitness or fat loss programme, the greater the level of commitment and adherence, the greater the results you will see. Sign-up below for your complimentary, no-obligation diagnostic consultation. During this consult, you’ll receive detailed information on how exactly how we can help you get out of pain that’s tailored to YOUR body’s needs.Read More
How do We Guarantee Your Results?
What Are My Options?
One-to-One Coaching
Semi-Private Coaching
What's Included in your Coaching Package?