Tyton Health & Performance Code of Ethics
Tyton Health & Performance Code of Ethics
I’d like to begin by stating one, simple, unimpeachable fact. Every member of the Tyton Health & Performance community is here for one reason . . . to get better.
Now, getting better could mean boosting health profiles, building muscle, losing fat, or improving sport performance. Yet, regardless of specific goals, we’re all here to learn how to improve, while helping others improve at the same time.
As a result, there’s a specific code that the Tyton Health & Performance Team asks all Tyton Health & Performance Community Members to agree upon. A set of simple guidelines that speak to the types of contributions we welcome. Those that make our community a great place to be.
Now, don’t worry, we don’t ask anything ridiculous. Really, it just comes down to this – we ask you to be supportive, friendly, and civil at all times.
Of course, we know that when intelligent people get together, differences of opinion and conflicting ideas can arise. So we don’t expect, or even want, everyone to always agree.
However, we do expect that, even in disagreement, each of our members can agree to prioritise the following four things.
Tyton Health & Performance Community priorities
Priority #1: Unerring Support
No matter what, we’re here to encourage each other. This is our Golden Rule and most important priority. Whenever you’re unsure of how to post or respond to others in the community, remember this above all else.
Priority #2: Respectful Disagreement
Not everyone will agree. But we can always get along while disagreeing. Keep that in mind if someone’s ideas don’t quite mesh with yours.
Priority #3: Reciprocity
If someone helps you, pay it forward and help someone else. That’s the way well-functioning communities work. And not only is it good for the community, it’s also good for you. When you help others, they’ll be more likely to help when you have a question.
Priority #4: Knowing Our Limits
We don’t all have the same level of expertise. And that’s ok. The important thing is to know our knowledge limits and help out others within the scope of what we know.
Hopefully you can see that these priorities mean a lot to us.
In sticking to them, you’ll be helping to ensure that our community continues to be the best on the web. And just as importantly, you will be ensuring that you are doing all the things you need to do to get better – whatever getting better might mean.
To this end, please read each of our community rules below, and do your best to abide by them. We encourage open discussion, but we do reserve the right to remove posts in the rare case that they might violate the code.
Tyton Health & Performance Community rules
I’ll be supportive first
“Whether I’m seeking support or giving it, I promise that my number one priority will be to stay positive and supportive. Never losing site of this, I will post with the intent to add constructive content and feedback. I understand that above all else, demonstrating support is the most important goal of the Tyton Health & Performance community and I promise to respect it at all times.”
I’ll respectfully disagree
“Although I may not agree with everyone, I promise to avoid making confrontational, insulting, or slanderous remarks. Instead, I’ll remain considerate and respectful, keeping in mind that this forum is all about support and respect. I understand that the Tyton Health & Performance community will not tolerate comments that are inflammatory, abusive or disruptive in any regard.”
I’ll be proactive
“If I have a question, I promise to be proactive. I will do this by taking advantage of the community resources, and looking for answers using the Tyton Health & Performance search engine and the Tyton Health & Performance Frequently Asked Questions. If I can’t find my answers here, or am still unclear, I promise I won’t quit trying. Instead of staying quietly in the background confused, I’ll post my question to the community, knowing that I will be helping myself and others by doing so.”
I’ll pay it forward
“If someone helps me by answering a question or providing a resource, I’ll do my best to pay it forward by helping someone else. I recognize that this will lead to a more rewarding personal experience for me, and strengthen my ability to succeed. I understand that in lending support to others, I ensure that the community remains helpful and positive.”
I’ll acknowledge those who help me
“I realize that most of the Tyton Health & Performance experts are volunteers. Therefore when they answer a question or help with a resource, I know that they’re giving up valuable time out of their own day for me. As a result, I’ll do my best to be thankful, patient, and appreciative of the assistance I receive.
I’ll stay accountable
“I realize that it’s much more difficult to reach my goals alone. I promise I will use the community to create accountability for myself, and to seek advice and social support. In turn, I encourage the Tyton Health & Performance community to lend support and keep me accountable to my goals.”
It’s a real privilege to welcome you to our Tyton Health & Performance community. It’s your participation that will create positive and rewarding experiences for everyone. We’re all here to help and support you. So be sure to take full advantage of what we’ve got to offer.
All the best,