Written by Tyrone Bray. Posted in Blog, Body Transformation Blog, Exercise Blog, Fat Loss Blog, Health Blog.

You know how it is, Summer begins to approach and we all start to feel a little more motivated to start taking care of ourselves.
Whether it’s the longer, brighter, warmer days or the fear of having to strip down to your bathers for your trips to the local beach or upcoming holiday, either way we all tend to start thinking about how we aught to start making a bit more of an effort to ‘get in shape’ or start ‘getting healthy’.
The problem is, once Summer draws to a close and the temperatures drop, the days get shorter and the “holiday” motivation passes, it becomes very easy to gradually slip back into old habits.
This of course isn’t ideal for anybody trying to achieve longterm health and/or fitness related goals.
With that, my aim today is to give you several tips for staying motivated once the novelty of being healthy and in shape wears off…
Health and Fitness Motivation
The first on our list: Remove Guilt – Forget the Past
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Written by Tyrone Bray. Posted in Blog, Body Transformation Blog, Exercise Blog, Fat Loss Blog, Health Blog, Performance Blog.

I literally cannot remember the last time I had a new client start working with me that hadn’t tried at least one of the many thousands of crazy fad diets out there.
I’ve even had female clients that have been on diets for the last 26 years. Not the same one of course, many different ones.
Of course, some of them produced results of some sort but none of them ever managed to build the healthy body she was looking for or keep the weight off permanently!
In my opinion, there shouldn’t even be enough diets out there to keep you going for 26 years but all you have to do is run a simple search on Amazon.com and you’ll get thousands of results… In fact, I ran a search for ‘diet books’ only 5 minutes ago and Amazon returned 210,984!!
That’s absolutely insane!
It really is no wonder that most people are confused. With that many options where would you start? I do this stuff for a living and even I wouldn’t have a clue where to begin had I not been studying, researching and testing this stuff with myself and my clients for years.
But before we get to that, let me ask you this:
Have you ever wondered why two people can be on the same diet and yet they somehow get completely different results?
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Written by Tyrone Bray. Posted in Blog, Body Transformation Blog, Exercise Blog, Health Blog, HRV Blog.
Many technological advancements could be seen as offering more detriment to health than benefit.
That said, in my experience the right type of health technology applied to the right client at the right time can be of huge benefit.
But with so many different options available, where do you start when trying to find the perfect piece of health technology to help you not only monitor your health, but also improve it?
Fortunately, over the years I’ve had the opportunity to try out many different options, some of which I now use daily in my practice as I help others to achieve their health and performance goals.
Throughout this article I will outline my experience and how each piece of technology can be used with the intention of giving you insight into which piece of health technology may be most effective for achieving your own health and wellness goals.
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Written by Tyrone Bray. Posted in Blog, Body Transformation Blog, Fat Loss Blog, Health Blog.

This weeks F.A.Q. is a question I often get either just before or just after a new client signs up with me: When will I see results?
This is always a great question because it creates a perfect opportunity to begin the process of managing my clients expectations.
When I take on a new client they are given several forms and questionnaires to fill out to give me an overview of things such as what they’re after, what they’ve tried and where they currently are in their life and health so that I can design them an effective programme to get them the quickest, safest and most sustainable results possible.
One of the questions I ask is: Which type of progress is more important to you? Immediate progress which is less easily maintained or Maintainable progress that may not be as rapid?
Just this question alone gives me great insight into the type of personality the client has and their mentality towards achieving their goals. It also gives an indication of how ‘aggressive’ our approach may need to be in order for the client to be happy with their results.
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Written by Tyrone Bray. Posted in Blog, Body Transformation Blog, Exercise Blog, Fat Loss Blog, Health Blog, Performance Blog.

As mentioned last week, I get many of the same questions from each of my different clients.
This weeks frequently asked question is “Should I do my Weight Training or my Cardio Training first during my workout?”.
Now to be honest, it’s a debate that could go on for hours and depending on the perspective both parties would be right in their arguments.
However, for me personally there are 3 main reasons why I recommend one over the other.
It has nothing to do with me preferring this style of training, it just simply makes the most logical sense based on my studies and how I get results with my clients.
Check out the video now to find out whether you should be training your Cardio or your Resistance Training first.
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